Korean Mentoring Program with University Students

Korean Mentoring Program with University Students  From The Department of Korean Language Education at Kyungnam National University for Korean club Students

Nowadays, when we want to know or learn a language, we don’t always have to go to a language center and get a course or even go to a language school for years (unless we want to become really good at that language). For now, when we want to know or learn a language, we can do it anywhere and anytime. We can learn from home, study at a cafe with friends or through movies or music that has the language we are learning.

Basically, learning a language can be done by simply searching on the internet. Starting from learning materials, how to speak the language, language community to activities related to the language can also be found on the internet. And of course, it’s all free.

One of the languages that currently has great interest and is studied by young Indonesians is the Korean Language. We can easily find Korean language materials on the internet. Lots of learning materials about Korean language from beginner to advanced are uploaded through social media such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and even Twitter (X). So it is very easy for us (young Indonesians) to learn Korean language. But in learning a language, we usually need to have friends or relations who are both learning the language. Or sometimes, we need a companion or teacher who is a native of the country where the language comes from.

Well this time, Korean Center Indonesia got a very interesting opportunity from Kyungnam National University to learn Korean Language. The Korean Students from The Department of Korean Language Education at Kyungnam National University have a program to learn Korean Language through movies, Korean dramas, music (K-Pop), Korean Slang Words and many more.

This program has started from 24 April 2024 which was attended by 10 IPB International students and run online through Zoom Meeting every Wednesday at 14.30 WITA for 1 hour. The teachers in this program are Korean Students from the Department of Korean Language Education in Kyungnam National University. This Korean Mentoring Program also aims to establish friendship between Korean and Indonesian students.
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